Ready to Pass the PMP Exam the 1st Time? Let's get a class together for you and your team.
PMP Exam is changing, March 26th, 2018. Major changes in 6th Edition will make it more difficult to pass the exam.
So Why Wait?
Let me provide Project Management Training tailored to help your team passed the PMP Exam the first time. Discounted rates to encourage group enrollment.
I provide Project Management Training at its best based on student's PMP exam success rate. For more validation, see recommendations on Linkedin page.
Cost: $995.00 for 1st time students-$700.00 discount off $1,695.00 course fee
How: Need a minimum of 8 students to make a class (10 students needed if request is outside of Houston metroplex)
Where: Houston metroplex room provided (seating limited to 25 students) or can provide training onsite. My motto, "Have Students, Will Travel."
Timing: Prefer Five-Day class where 5th day is focused on exam questions, either five days in a row or provide Four-Day Boot camp with webex follow-up (in 4-two hour sessions)
Materials: All classroom materials and self-study aids provided, including PMBOK Guide-5th Edition,a study guide book, and many other study aids.
Contact information:
Katherine (Kathy) Nixon,
Call: 281.370.6622,
Text: 936.870.8256,
I appreciate your business and support. I enjoy being a part of your success. Let's get you and your team prepared for the PMP exam.
P.S. - Thank you in advance for your consideration and passing this on to others who might value this opportunity.
#Plan for success starting now:
Complete and submit your online application at
Schedule your exam time for the one to two weeks after the class (max. 45 days).
Begin reading or re-reading the PMBOK Guide now.
Practice your 10-minute drill daily. If new, write each day for 10 minutes what you remember of your PMBOK studies.
Answer exam questions. Verify and investigate all answers from the PMBOK.
Attend class with your schedule cleared and ready to focused for final review.
Make travel and work arrangements so you will be ready for class time..
Invite others to attend class with you. They make great study partners.